A downloadable game

A tool for creating interesting sounds with custom waveform, volume, and pitch. Also visualizes the sound with a dynamic histogram of pitch intervals (height is amplitude).

How to use:

Each property of the sound (waveform, pitch, volume) follows a line graph, with the x-axis being time and the y-axis controlling the given property. You can swap between the properties with the menu. Each line starts with two points on the left and right, which are one second apart for pitch and volume. You can reshape the line by creating more points with right click. 

NOTE: You have to left click off of the menu before right clicking bc. the menu is treated as a separate window.

NOTE: No sound comes out at first because the waveform is flat. You'll hear it once you add points to the waveform.

HINT: You can do some pretty interesting stuff if you think outside the box a bit.

Waveform guide: Most people probably won't know much about waveforms, feel free to look into it here. But the important thing to know is that it changes the 'quality' of the sound.  A gentle curve (sine wave) up and down creates the most natural or neutral sound, spikes and right angles will make it sound more electronic/distorted. Pitch is just how fast the waveforms move, so repeating a waveform multiple times is equivalent only doing it once at a higher pitch. So you won't get much out of creating super erratic waveforms as they'll likely just sound like a simpler waveform at higher pitch, instead just focus on the larger shapes like those shown in the link.

Possible improvements:

Sound file download button

Modify pitch and volume ranges / scaling (both currently scale exponentially as the square of the height). 

Allow stranger lines (ex: crossing lines could represent multiple sounds at the same time)

Make individual points movable / deletable

Make it so you don't have to left click onto the main window to deselect the menu.

Allow importing of audio files, where some properties of the file will be converted into the editor format

Stretch goal: start integrating alternate line creation methods, taking inspiration from video game movement.


Sound visualizer code adapted from Godot demo: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/blob/master/audio/spectrum/show_spectrum.gd

Updated 18 days ago
Published 21 days ago
StatusIn development


Sound Playground.exe 80 MB
Sound Playground.pck 53 kB

Install instructions

Download both the .exe and .pck into the same folder, then run the .exe.

Development log

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